Monday, June 11, 2012

New Multiplayer Map!

Hey guys, just showing you the newest map. I just completed it a few weeks ago, and it's my favorite so far. So let me show you: Artic Mine!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Jakun Render

Here is a new rendering of the Main Character for Infection Single Player. His name is Jakun, and he is a 19 Year old alien from Planet Gronk-7. He wakes up one morning to find his city, Metropolis, infested with the Infection. The Story continues as he battles the Infection, and finally defeats it.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Multiplayer Map #1

Wasup Guys? I've been busy today. I've managed to sketch out and almost completely render one of the Multiplayer maps. It's called Aftermath. Here's some screen shots. Let me know what you thing.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Project Infection!

Well, welcome everyone to what i hope is the start of a long and successful journey. I'm Josh, and i'm in love with video games. Video games are basically my life. I play them all the time. So i know of one thing funner than playing video games: Making your own. Imagine, millions of other people around the world, playing your idea! In your world! That's what Im trying to accomplish here. I want to make my own Video game. Now, it's not the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. You have to come up with an idea, then get someone to listen to you long enough to get it in the works. And then after a few years of coding and other boring stuff, Then you have your game. Well that's what i want. See, a few years ago i started a online adventure series called Infection. It was created using a revolutionary game: Spore Galactic Adventures. This game has the potential to do anything. You can create Anything. So i made a series about a teenage alien fighting for his life in a galaxy overrun by vicious, zombified citizens. Basic Zombie story. But it was so well received,  many people said i should think about somehow making it into a full out video game. That got me thinking, so i used Galactic Adventures to sketch out some ideas. Few weeks later, I had the basic story line together, and everything was looking good. Now i've decided to go public with it. I'll be posting updates as i go along on my quest so you people can follow me. Cool? Cool. Alright, Imma get to work. Later Bloggers.